Engage Rocket is a real-time data & hR analytics platform for enterprise. The platform allows human resource manager to monitor ROI before, during and after tracking. Isolate problems proactively with sophisticated team and segmentation analysis using custom reports.
The web application identify hotspots of talent flight-risk. Intervene early to reduce regrettable attrition. Maintain consistent monitoring to avoid nasty surprises.
Junjian Limited Lab has extended the Engage Rocket team with our UI/UX Designer, Front-end and Back-end engineers to help build complicated parts of the project and thus achieve product and business goals.
An overview on the dashboard allows HR managers to view all their the critical data at a glance. Users of the the platform will be able to create surveys, questionaries and publish them.
UI Design
There are a lot of power packed features built into the system, which includes and not limited to payment integration, customised algorithm for survey assessment, ability to customise surveys and much more.
The vision Engage Rocket has in mind is to helps leaders and organisations make better people decisions using real-time data.