This is the first meeting we will gather all the involved stakeholders, which includes your team, our team and anyone that plays a part in the project.
During the meeting, we will help brainstorm and focus on things that have business value and are what the users really needs. Together, We will identify what features/User Stories brings value to your business. The iterations involved in the Junjian Limited approach make it easy for you and us to differentiate is the features have tremendous or not much value at all.
Traditional methods defined the scope of the project once and then maximum efforts were made to complete the project without making any changes in the scope. It seems ironic that in this traditional method of project management the changes in scope for avoided as much as possible.
Feedbacks are given continuously and we will keep extend your ideas with our extensive technical and experience to harden it into a practical and viable product. The steps involved in the completion of the software become lean as the time passes. Lastly, all the processes running at final stages are fully focused on developing the features and aspects that are actually needed on the software or an application and leave those good to have features to be developed at the end.
Traditional methods defined the scope of the project once and then maximum efforts were made to complete the project without making any changes in the scope. It seems ironic that in this traditional method of project management the changes in scope for avoided as much as possible.
In the traditional approach the developers, programmers and testers would only know about the unnecessary addition of a particular feature in software after it has been completed and all processes have completed. This is disappointing, as much effort and energy has already been wasted on the unnecessary aspect of the software.
The biggest aspect that makes Junjian Limited project different from traditional methods is how you look at the change and deal with it. Furthermore, there is a big difference in documentation as well. User stories are documented in Junjian Limited development as supporting documents of the scoping process. If new requirements are introduced or a user story is to be excluded from the strategy, you always know that you have spent only a little time working on it when you are going with Junjian Limited strategy.
User experience and user interface are the primary concerns for any project that is developed today. We look at the user interface from all possible angles based on what is required by modern users. We must consider the users today, are not only the computer users but also those who are using the mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones, laptops and notebooks.
In spilt of understanding that UX/UI design is a huge part of the project, a lot of organization is still using the traditional method to work on the design; writing specs detailing every single interactions, working on full mock-ups to present to client for approval, all without understanding the business thinking of the project. This painstaking process usually takes a long time and many wasted hours. By the time you have decided how your website or mobile app should look like, the market has already changed it’s needs.
When we start with your project, we will quickly prototype the few most critical, core user workflow and immediately push out to you and your users to validate if this meets the business needs. The design continues driving the design by collecting the feedbacks and iterating the design frequently and eventually through incremental changes and designing, we will be able to deliver a design that really matters.
Your project should be a constant improvement machine where user feedback is continuously obtained to make continuous change. We believe the faster you get your feedbacks, the faster you can make changes, the faster we can push your web application or mobile application to market.
The development phase is the phase where your ideas are being brought to life. Development through Junjian Limited Lab requires you and us to come in constant communication with each other so even the slightest information about the software and its progress can be communicated effectively. We will constantly remain in contact with you and continue to update you with the latest progress on the development. This is done through small releases in order to obtain feedback from users and thus we will be able to develop what the users really need.
The quick releases are there to get a feedback from the owner of the project and end users and these feedbacks are closely viewed through iterations.
You get to test and approve the design and functionality along the way instead testing when the whole project is done. This mitigates risks and you are able to identify the failures early and you will be able to quickly work on it.
Test driven development and refactoring are constant practices we use to ensure the codes are of the highest quality.
It is a mistake to think there will be no changes to the requirements after a project is scoped. Many people think that you will be able to get 100% of all your requirements upfront. However when your project is being developed, new requirements are discovered and thus change is inevitable, and we embrace it. The important thing to understand here is that the product is never considered complete since the user requirements will continue to change with time. That’s not the case with old methods of developing softwares and applications.
In an iteration, we plan, develop and test for whatever user stories we are working on now. This allows very fast feedback from the client and allows you to see at which points does your project fail early in the development so that we can rectify that as soon as possible.

Developing with Junjian Limited Lab, any changes in scope are welcomed. We believe your web and mobile applications are brought forward in the form of quick releases whereas changes are made into the software based on the feedbacks in the form of iterations.